Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 +3


培训课程 Training Course

  • 有超过70个中空以及花式动作。
  • 学习掌握至少6-8种不同主题的DeYoga 高级会员课程编排。
  • 学习级别二和三的解剖学以及理论,主要掌握DeYoga 呼吸的运用和作用,什么叫做核心,核心练习的重要。
  • 如何正确练习到核心部分特别是腹横肌等深层肌肉的练习。
  • 背阔肌肉的掌握和运用。
  • 如何利用吊床控制身体的平衡以及学会利用吊床提升动作和纠正动作,要求掌握每一个动作正确的体式顺位。
  • 如何利用中垂线的知识很好的运用到不同体式教学达到不同程度的效果。
  • 如何上私教。
  • 掌握好级别二和三的基本肌肉控制,增加手握力核心力量, 肌肉协调性,关节灵活。
  • Master over 70 aerial moves.
  • Learn to design at least 6-8 different themed advanced DeYoga membership courses.
  • Study anatomy and theory for levels 2 and 3, focusing on the application and benefits of DeYoga breathing, the concept of the core, and the importance of core exercises.
  • Learn how to correctly engage the core, particularly the transverse abdominis and other deep muscles.
  • Master and utilize the latissimus dorsi.
  • Use the hammock to control body balance, enhance movements, and correct postures, ensuring the correct alignment of each pose.
  • Apply knowledge of the midline effectively in various poses to achieve different levels of impact.
  • Learn how to conduct private sessions.
  • Develop basic muscle control for levels 2 and 3, increasing grip strength, core power, muscle coordination, and joint flexibility.
  • Master over 70 aerial and acrobatic moves.
  • Learn to design at least 6-8 different themed advanced DeYoga membership courses.
  • Study anatomy and theory for levels 2 and 3, focusing on the application and benefits of DeYoga breathing, the concept of the core, and the importance of core exercises.
  • Learn how to correctly engage the core, particularly the transverse abdominis and other deep muscles.
  • Master and utilize the latissimus dorsi.
  • Use the hammock to control body balance, enhance movements, and correct postures, ensuring the correct alignment of each pose.
  • Apply knowledge of the midline effectively in various poses to achieve different levels of impact.
  • Learn how to conduct private sessions.
  • Develop basic muscle control for levels 2 and 3, increasing grip strength, core power, muscle coordination, and joint flexibility.


+6 010 866 0825

雪慧老师 Founder & Master Shey Huei

空中培训导师 | 会飞的猫瑜伽坊创始人


+6 010 866 0825

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